Great Expectations Require Greater Accountability
Many of us are not without the absence of big prayers with great expectations, yet the question for you is, what are you doing to receive the outcome you desire?
We believe in a big God that has done big things and will continue to do so. We have witnessed his power and his works firsthand in the past. When it seemed as if we had nothing and our backs were against the ropes, he showed up and showed out, providing our needs time and time again.
We have witnessed and experienced his love, his grace, his peace, and his mercy on more than one occasion; thus, we know….no… we are convinced that he is an ever-present help in our lives. So we continue to put our hopes and trust in Him and seek him in prayer for even greater.
We seek Him for the big dreams we have that require a greater and sometimes unexpected outcome. But in our effort to trust God with what we seek, can He trust us not to squander the answered prayer? 🤔
Too often, we have a distorted image and misaligned relationship with God that blinds us from seeing our rightful place or position in the relationship. This position shifts all responsibility, expectation, and blame from God and yields much of the same on us.
In the absence of the expected outcome. We must reflect on the absence of our participation to receive the desired response. For some, we need to reflect on the overindulgence of our misguided efforts that are preventing our desired outcome.

Are Your Hands Too Full or Too Empty?
There’s no doubt that God responds to prayers. He has done so since the beginning of time. He, today, is the same promise keeper that existed centuries ago. Nothing has changed. Well, at least with him. But with us, that’s a different story.
💥We have become more and more complacent in our relationship with Him. 💥 Too comfortable, too careless, too familiar. 💥We assume we have it all together and have arrived in a place that we have not.💥 We assume we know everything yet no nothing and wonder why we are feeling empty, dismal, and chasing after every and all things to make us happy. 💥💥We have taken up practices to “manifest ” our destiny because we have no idea what it really takes to receive the promises of God.💥 We indulge in practices that displease God, for it goes against everything that represents his character and his nature.
💫This is why we do not get to simply do anything, then claim we arrived and are blessed because what we have or acquired has nothing to do with the blessings of God. 💥For some, it’s humanism, and for many, it’s far from that. Either way, God is not pleased and doesn’t want your credit because it gives a false identity of who he is to others who are watching and seeking him. In fact, we are just going to say you’re nothing but a bunch of strays…more like feral cats spreading disease and death. But, remember you were seeking God for your blessing? 🤯
What Happened? 🤷🏾♀️
In our desire to obtain what we wanted, we sought God and expected Him to move, yet failed to understand his expectations for us. Did you think you could simply “wish” upon God and get what you wanted, and it would all drop from the sky? You didn’t adhere to the charge given to you by the one you were seeking.
God loves and God grants, but let’s not forget the conditions in which he does for those he loves and who love him. We must be disciplined in our approach to receive what we are expecting from God. We must consider what we are willing to give up to make room for what we are expecting. Just like we like to say everyone can’t go with us everywhere; the same applies to aspects of our individual lives.
All the old parts of us cannot move into the new thing God is doing or providing. Something(s) must go! This will allow us to begin shifting into position and prepare for what lies ahead because with the new we are acquiring comes a greater sense of responsibility and accountability.
With the new comes a greater level of strength, trust, and faith to not only handle but not mishandle what you are receiving. With the new comes a greater level of endurance to face and overcome the greater obstacles that will rise against you to make you lose what’s coming to you.
Are you ready for all of that in the expectancy of your great expectations? Most likely not.
But you can be ready.
It starts with honest self-reflections and taking inventory of where you are, what you believe, and how you have operated previously. Who and what have you relied upon, and who and what have you convinced yourself that you were relying upon? Shift from self-reliance to surrender.
At the brink of a new beginning or new season for many, I implore you to lay down old habits and ways that are keeping you locked in your past and pick up a new relationship with God. Realign yourselves with him and his expectations for you and your life. Put away your idols and false gods you’ve worshipped, understanding that Elohim is the only God that you will ever need. He has already shown you who he is and who he can continue to be for you and in your life. It’s up to you to reflect and realize that. Shift from only expecting much from God by allowing him to expect greater from you and trust you.
Time to shift! And change our relationships, then perhaps we will finally walk into the unexpected greater we always hoped for and knew existed.