Addressing Inner Conflict
Did you hear that? Yeah…that’s all the inner noise causing conflict and holding you back. Listen, inner conflict is real and can be louder than the external noise from the people around you.
Yes, all those voices in your head causing a battle between emotions and thoughts. This inner discord can release feelings of anger, stress, fear, and frustration, especially if a situation doesn’t turn out how we expected. And…OMG, think of how this can impact you over time when not addressed. It just compiles and becomes a serious roadblock, like and becoming your personal Mt. Everest on your journey to accomplishing your goals. 😱
Who needs that, right?
Ok, now that I have your attention, let me help you understand how to deal with this thing.
☝️First, let’s make the connection and understand there are many different types of inner conflict. Why? Because if we do not get real here, then you will face some areas and ignore others, and that’s not helpful at all. Who needs to walk around half-healed? We need 360 healing around here! ⚕️
Inner conflict exists in external/personal relationships, our careers, and even in our health. For instance, you may know you need to end a relationship, but you keep talking yourself out of it. You know it is toxic or simply not beneficial for you, but because of your emotional investment, you will convince yourself to stay connected. The same goes with that job that is driving you nuts, as well as all those things you overindulge in. Chile, we have all been there. We are the best at talking ourselves into something we do not need. (shoot, if only we could get paid for that part. 😅)
Whatever the inner conflict is, it could be holding you back from a happy, healthy life. But today, we make some much-needed changes.

Here are 5 keys to help you address inner conflict to be happier and more fulfilled.
Ready? Let’s go…
1. Identify and confront inner conflicts.
You’re going to find it hard to address your inner conflict if you aren’t fully aware of it. However, identifying and being aware of inner conflict isn’t always easy. After all, it is much easier to ignore confrontation and the things that make us uncomfortable.
The trouble is, when you ignore your inner conflicts, they simply get worse over time. So, start by writing down what you want and the things that are holding you back. Then, delve into your inner conflict and try and understand where it comes from. For example, is it coming from a place of fear or comfort? Often, we stay stuck in routines because it is our mind’s way of protecting us.
2. Balance your rationale and emotions.
To address inner conflict, you need to be able to balance rationale and emotion. If you tend to focus more on your emotional needs and desires, your rational thinking will be compromised. Similarly, if you were to focus only on being rational, your emotional needs would suffer. To make the best choices, learn how to balance reasons and emotions.
3. Avoid making rash decisions
When going through an emotional time, be sure not to make rash decisions. Think about what is best for you without forgetting about your decision’s impact on others.
It’s easy to make rash decisions when you are dealing with inner conflict. However, staying calm and really thinking things through is going to lead to the best decisions.
4. Think about what you really want
What is it you really want? Often our inner conflict comes from not doing the things we desire. If you are trying to please everyone else, you are only going to end up feeling miserable. So, if you feel like you aren’t being true to yourself, take a step back. Think about what you truly want, and then focus your energy on that.
5. Practice Silence
Finally, practicing silence (and solitude) is a spiritual practice that is great for addressing inner conflict. We often find ourselves leading busy lives, unable to be still but trying to sit, be still, and drown out all the noise. This Christian method does not empty the mind but allows you to fill your mind with God’s word. Get to a quiet place where you are free from distractions and noise. Try scheduling this time to be more intentional. Remember, this is a spiritual discipline. Getting used to it may take a while, but over time, you get used to it, and rather than trying to get through a minute or two, you will need to set a timer to remind you that your time is up.
Remember, what God has for you, is for you. Let no one or nothing talk you out of receiving God’s blessings for your life…not even you.
I pray you have a blessed day and are open to receiving all God has in store for you.
God Loves you, and so do I.
Now, Love yourself enough to Live the beautiful life He has for you.