Everything is possible for them that believe
Believe in what exactly?
Believe that with prayer anything is possible?
Believe that with action anything is possible?
Believe that with hope and faith anything is possible?
Well, yes!
See, you need all three. Neither works without the other.
Too often we want to rely on one and forget about the other two.
We believe that we can just have faith. Well, faith in what? Faith in who? First, you need to understand who you have faith in, which causes an action. That action is to gain understanding.
Understand who God is, for yourself, and understand how He is working in your life and what He expects of you.
Ok, now that means you may have just hit another action.
See, once you begin to understand this expectation then you must begin to align yourself with such. What does he want you to do, how does he want you to do it, when does he want you to do it, etc.
Guess what, there is your prayer. Yes, it can be that simple, but here is the second challenge, believing in prayer. Believing that when you seek the Lord posing questions. He will answer. Whether those answers come directly or indirectly as he sends us answers and messages in so many ways, yet we must be open to receiving them.
He may use a conversation you may have with a friend or family member, a mentor, a song, or a TV program; you just never know, but one thing is for certain he always confirms his word and it will align with the truth of the biblical scriptures.
If your heart is waxed cold and you refused to hear and believe then you will never receive what you seek. You are equivalent to a blind man…no vision. But to those who believe and receive, you come back to the beginning of the cycle again. You are required to take action.
Yes, even after you have faith, and prayed, you still need action. God will give you a plan, he will give you the wisdom to implement such plans, but what good is it all if you put nothing into action?
You cannot expect God to live your life for you. He gives us everything we need to live a fruitful and prosperous life. Unfortunately, too often we are “waiting” on God to move wondering why nothing is working out yet we have all the faith in the world. Well, I have news for you.
God is waiting for you to move.
How long will we still on our hands trusting and believing but not moving forward as he guides and directs?
How long will we unwisely wait on the Lord with every tool and resource he has provided, at our disposal?
How long will we say we believe, yet show it in our actions?
Today, I challenge you to put your faith plans into action and show just how much you believe.
As they say, “put your money where your mouth is,” I challenge you to do that same with your faith.
Can you make a vow to say you will never again say you believe without putting God’s plans into action?
I trust his plans because I trust Him. Do you?