It is never too early to start spring cleaning!
Each year, around Spring, people normally began to shift things in their households and especially within their “closets.”
We rummage through items to decide what we no longer have use for, deciding how to discard these items. Do we send them out for donations or just throw them out because they would serve no purpose to anyone, anywhere?
We know and understand that in each season it is necessary to prepare our homes, our spaces for the upcoming season. We understand that we must clear out the clutter to make space for new things as we let go of unnecessary things. We understand that we must get rid of things that have no use in our lives and serve no purpose because they are simply taking up space.
Well, the same can be said about our natural and spiritual life. Just as we recognize the atmospheric seasons, it is just as important to recognize our spiritual seasons. We must come to understand the direction we are about to move into and begin to prepare.
Just as it becomes time to spring clean in the physical sense, we must prepare to do so in the natural and spiritual sense. We must take the time to identify the clutter in our lives that will hold us down, which will prevent us from “springing forward.” With clutter and baggage, it becomes impossible to spring forward into your next season. Instead, you become weighed down, pulled back from what lies ahead. You are unable to gain the momentum to get off the ground or propel forward.
What is in your “closet” your “garage” that has been just taking up space? Is it people from your past that you need to let go of? People that served their purpose during the season you were in but continue to hang on while you are attempting to move forward? We must understand that while some people are necessary for where you are, not everyone can move with you to the place you are going. It is necessary and healthy to move on at the appropriate time rather than allowing those individuals to become anchors that hold you in a place that is not designed for you to stay in.
What about past fears, doubts, and failures? When we hold on to what could have been or what did not happen, we deny ourselves the opportunity to move forward to new possibilities. Remember, Faith will take you much further than fear ever will. Take a chance in life to try new things, putting your faith and trust in God, rather than leaning on your own understanding of things. If God placed a dream or thought in your mind, He had a reason for doing so. That reason was not to “trick you” or lead you astray. It was to let you know what was possible with Him. So, trust what he has shown you. Trust what He has given you and clear out everything that is keeping you from moving forward with Him.
Is past hurt holding you back? Consider this…While we experience hurt and pain in our lives, if we look closely, we may see lessons we learned either during that time or the time thereafter. Perhaps, we can look back and see the people God placed in our lives to help us through those times, reminding us of His love for us and that we were never truly alone. Perhaps, once you crossed that finish line, you realized the strength God gave you in your weakest moments, to help you endure your most trying times. These lessons will come in handy today and in the future as you continue to spring forward into your future. Yes, you will encounter tough times and periods where you think you are unable to make it, but you have been through tough times before. You will now, be reminded that though you have endured tough times, God showed that He was there watching over you, to give you what you needed to pull through. This is what will get you through this time as well…knowing that if He was there before, then He will be there again. After all, why would He bring you this far, just to leave you now?
Today, take the time and begin thinking about what you need to do for spring cleaning. What do you need to let go of so that you may spring forward into your next season?
Do not let anything hold you back from what God has for you. It is never too early to start spring cleaning.