A wise man will hear and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: Proverbs 1:5(KJV)
What if I told you that Personal Development significantly improves self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence as you work to fulfill your aspirations? It’s totally true. The outcome of our success hinges on our commitment to our personal development.
As we continue to take a deeper look at ourselves, examining the direction and desired outcome of our lives, we must take into consideration our plans for personal growth and development.
Personal Development extends beyond normal education and reaches into all aspects of our lives. It can facilitate success in our physical, cognitive, and social-emotional life.
So, what are you doing to continue to look inward and focus on ways to better yourself?
Ok, so not quite convinced of the benefits or even what the heck I am talking about. Let me further explain.
When we talk about personal development or a personal development plan, we are talking about observing where you are compared to where you want to be while identifying steps and assembling a truly doable plan to reach (or exceed) your goals. We cannot depend solely on what we learned in our past to help us move into our future. It is our continued learning that increases our ability to succeed and maintain our success.
As you start on your path of personal development, you become more self-aware, taking a look at the only person in life you can actually control. You realize that no one or nothing can stop you but you.
As you learn things about yourself, you realize the steps you can take to help you commit to change and grow.
This may come in the form of reading books, taking courses or classes, meeting with coaches or counselors (or a combination of all) to improve or overcome an area of your life. Taking this step, you are equipping yourself to remove the obstacles in your way of achieving desired success.
What are other major ways personal development can facilitate success?
You develop a better sense of direction…I mean, who does not want to know where they are going? Am I right?
When you know who you are and who you want to be and how to get it, you’ll have a better idea of where you’re going than the average person.

A Plan for Direction and Clarity 👀📃
Knowing what you want to get out of life is an important aspect of what helps you set your own course. You began to learn not to overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much at once because you know that when you set your goals right, you will achieve them.
Imagine…you’re a “vehicle” that is on a road traveling to a destination. The destination is the ultimate goal you are attempting to reach, and the road is the direction you need to travel to get there.
Now that you have a “Vision” for what you want to go, we need to understand exactly how to get there. Every road traveled has its obstacles, roadblocks, and threats, but how do you overcome them to still reach your destination?
Mapping out a plan will keep you FOCUSED and MOTIVATED along the journey, increasing your chance for success. Your plan is where you develop SMART goals in every area of your life to give you clarity, helping you stay focused and take appropriate steps. You understand what to take on, when to do so, and when to rest for the remainder of the journey.
With the appropriate plan, you realize that even with obstacles, you are less overwhelmed and experience greater positive feelings. You actually allow yourself to experience the journey rather than fretting about what lies ahead. Furthermore, you develop a greater sense of resiliency, especially as your confidence increases. You realize what you CAN handle rather than focusing on what you cannot; therefore, as new challenges present themselves, you use the tools and lessons learned to position yourself to face challenges head-on.
The Unexpected Twist 🎁
Here is a bonus you may not have expected from personal development…Better Relationships
That’s right!
One of the things you will learn very well as you work on your personal development plan is that you have full control over your own actions. It’s true that you cannot sometimes control how you feel, but you can control how you react. It can be hard to realize it, but your relationships will improve dramatically once you fully accept it.
Bottom line There is much more to gain from personal development than expected. While we initially believed it simply helps in gaining knowledge, as we learn to apply our understanding, we gain more than we bargained for. We gain a life changed as well as grow in every aspect of our lives. That in itself is success!
This is the start of a new week. What are your plans for personal development? I would love to hear from you. Drop me a line, and if I can help in any way, let me know.
Happy Sunday