We all want and desire love but how do we receive and give love?
When you think of love, what comes to mind? Do you have an expectation to receive more than you are capable or willing to give? Do you believe love is given freely without the expectation of receiving something in return? Or do you see love as a bargaining tool, using it to hold over someone’s head to get what you want when you want it?

Are you capable of loving others in spite of your differences or beliefs or is your love reserved only for those who mirror you, your desires, motivations, thoughts, and values?
Lately, you have begun to see “love” printed more and more on signs, clothing, brochures, and other items. Seems the goal is to spread the message the love is all we need, love conquers, or another similar message. Yet, before we can begin to collectively move together accepting or believing these plastered messages, we must first search our souls to understand what love means to us individually.
If the meaning of love has a distinct difference in meaning for every person, then how can it be all we need?