Looking Back and Moving Forward

2017 came in like a lamb for some but felt like an attack of a lion for most.
Like every year people set out on their normal resolutions they would not keep past March.
Preachers took to pulpits declaring the word of the Year and unfortunately some with partial revelation.

2017…The Year of Completion!
People rejoiced in advanced knowing that whatever God was doing in their lives, this is the Year He would complete a thing.

What did that really mean?
Some began to wonder, as the Year went on and people would experience major trials, heartaches, letdowns, losses, and downfalls.
Hanging onto HOPE, many persevered and continued to move forward but unfortunately, the herd began to thin out. Some lost hope gave up and fell out of the race.
The pain was too great, the struggle too real and the burdens too heavy to bear.
For those that celebrated a milestone, another wave came. Stronger storms, larger mountains to climb, and a greater weight to carry. Rather than focusing on what was right in front of them, they kept their sights on the finish line. Not knowing when or where it would end, they knew this could not last forever.

These people gave little of what they had to not just help themselves through the struggle but stretched themselves to help others in need. This was done while some decided to care only for themselves yet they were the ones who would fall short in this leg of the race.
The herd has once again thinned as the true heart of man has been revealed.
Then the final test…exposure. Dealing with the past. For some, it was the “Sins of your forefathers.” What were you willing to face and separate from in order to move forward?
What would keep you from being positioned to receive God’s promise? Were you ready to make new connections to bring you to a new place or stay stuck in the old?
See, this was a year of Completion and God was completing a WORK in you.

Think of it as an EXODUS.
He was bringing you out of captivity and began working to show you that He is the ONLY GOD you need. He needed to gracefully break you to rebuild you and position you for what He has planned for you.
Not everyone made it. In fact, some are squandering around now trying to figure it all out. People are once again doing the same new year routine of preparing resolutions they will not keep. They are declaring to disconnect from people and things but the real question is, why are they doing this now? I will tell you because the heart and mind have yet to sync and this repetitive act will continue until then.
Life must be affected and changed. Until then you will just have unresolved resolutions.

For those who persevered and continued to run strong, helping others along the way, and began to move in position already…Your Father Smiles upon you. Well done.
It is not over. There is more work to be done for you are now only in the position to receive God’s promise for the purpose of GIVING.

God’s promise.
Now, we enter into a NEW BEGINNING, gracefully broken, surrendered, humbled, and able and willing to be used.

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