Keys To Self- Acceptance🔑
Do you fully and unconditionally accept yourself for who you are?
If you’re struggling with mindfulness and seeking ways to improve, it may be worth examining your self-perception.
Before you dismiss this notion, consider the purpose of mindfulness. Its goal is to increase awareness of oneself, thoughts, and surroundings. However, thoughts are often the most challenging. What do your thoughts primarily consist of? Are you aware?
Well, your thoughts are typically a constant internal dialogue about your present, future, and past experiences. Consequently, you spend a significant amount of time reflecting on your self-image.
It’s common for us to avoid things that we don’t enjoy. If you struggle with self-acceptance, it can be challenging to concentrate on your thoughts. Your mind naturally avoids negative self-reflection, making it difficult to practice mindfulness. When you have negative feelings towards yourself, your brain tends to avoid reminding you of those emotions. Is this something you can relate to?
Many people struggle with self-acceptance, especially in today’s hyper-connected and hyper-critical society, where criticism is prevalent. It’s hard to like yourself if nobody else does. You need to spend some time reflecting on your self-image. What do you like or dislike about yourself? Why? What aspects do you have trouble accepting? Be truthful.
Once you’ve identified the problem, you can confront it. Try practicing mindfulness once more, but pay attention to your thoughts. Notice when you start to indulge in self-criticism. This could be something from your list or something new.
Stop the negative thought and replace it with a positive one. For instance, “I don’t like x about myself” can become “I accept x about myself.” Train your internal monologue to correct these negative thoughts.
Although the process can take time, you should begin to see improvements in your self-image almost immediately. Many professionals, including therapists, use this technique to promote self-acceptance. With practice, you’ll become better at accepting yourself and being mindful. Start today!
Remember, what God has for you, is for you. Let no one or nothing talk you out of receiving God’s blessings for your life…not even you.
I pray you have a blessed day and are open to receiving all God has in store for you.
God Loves you, and so do I.
Now, Love yourself enough to Live the beautiful life He has for you.