Protect Your Heart!
Let not your heart be hardened!
Many at the end of the year felt the unction to shift gears leading into 2022 with a “ME” focus. This is wonderful! It is time that we all take a moment, take inventory of our lives and realize how important and valued we are. It is time to realize our self-worth. It is time that we take a stand to protect our time, space, and energy, but at what cost?
There is a difference between self-care and understanding self-worth versus bitterness, anger, and rejection. We should not simply begin to love ourselves because we have felt rejected by others. We should love ourselves because we believe we are worth love. Taking the time this year, to protect your space should be done because you are worth it, not because you are angry and bitter about others not doing it on your behalf.
Do not start off a year with a hardened heart! For if you do, then how are you different than all the others you encountered year after year. The goal is to become the best you, not the worst version of them. Take inventory…what are the steps you can take to move differently to protect your time, space, and energy (without becoming the very people who treated you poorly)?
For starters…forgive! Forgive those who hurt, were rejected, mistreated, talked about, did not support you, etc. Forgive them. This is tough. We do not like to forgive because in our mind it absolves the other person from what they have done. Well, actually, forgiveness is actually for you and not the other party. See, you taking steps to forgive allows you to release them so they are no longer holding you back (or down). Releasing them is like dropping weight so you can move forward. You need not call and tell them you forgive them. Simply release them in your heart and give them to God. Think of it as leaving your burdens before the Lord.
Next, forgive yourself…That’s right, forgive yourself. We forget about this. We were once entangled in these relationships. We get stuck in our heads, playing every moment that we could have said or done something differently. LET IT GO!!! Forgive yourself for allowing your time to be wasted. Forgive yourself for allowing your energy to be wasted. You cannot move forward with this dead weight. Again, give it to God and start moving forward.
With this weight dumped, you can now actually shift gears and move into your New You Year!! Now you can start making positive changes that are not influenced by negative experiences. Your heart is properly postured to begin embracing transformation and really see the beautiful person you are becoming.
Do not let your heart be hardened by people and negative experiences. Allow your transformation to be a beautiful process as you start your New You Year.